Psychospiritual psychotherapy within the framework of Embodied Self Psychology offers a rich tapestry of exploration into the interconnectedness between psychological and spiritual dimensions, drawing from a diverse array of philosophical and spiritual traditions, including mysticism, shamanism, religion, and various spiritual practices. This exploration can examine and deconstruct the beliefs developed throughout life to find healing from a traumatic lens of religion/spiritual practices and redefine how to hold space for perspective changes.
Whether you are looking to hone your current spiritual practices, embrace a journey of spiritual exploration, or develop your intuition and spiritual connection, we can assist on your journey and provide structure to develop your practice. This can include working with spirit guides, rituals, elements, energy, Divine/Source/God, or staying within the frame of your religious practices.
Grow your intuition.
Discern your truth.
Embody what is held deeply in you as a personal truth.